Friday, December 30, 2005
music again. Yes!
oh my, went back to Nan Chiau String Orchestra. Can't say they are good, though improved they did. But technically poor i'd must agree. However Mr. Wong and Mr. Eric Lim both did a great Job, re-teaching the orchestra from scratch over and over again and still play quite decent songs. After that String session I rushed to Kevin's house, awed and impress once more by his guitar techniques. So we had some fun together (Guitar la..) on his peavey amp, Fender Bassman.. and abused his bro's Ibanez... the pups rox... Tired liao then walked to Chomp Chomp eat.. walk back.. haha
My violin teacher gave a an acoustic guitar. haha. She don't use it she say so I take it lor, may have some use for it on my recordings. Its not a good guitar for my taste but usable.. :p Its action was high so I filed 1mm off the bridge.. a little playable now.. haha, wait till i change the strings to .10 guage.
Tried playing Badinerie on guitar.. haha, too hard. i'd better stay scarlatti =x
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Rock... Onward
So, it continues, this little tale of a band, which got a nice room to play in. The band hath.. wadeva.. I managed to get a room for my band! nice cosy little place with beds sofas toilets... and this Sunday will be the first time we be using it. Its been a long time since I played with them, hopefully we will improve and get to be great!
Well my electric guitar.. I'm trying to clean out the solder.. the last owner really sucked at soldering, what a mess. Until I get my dad to buy the shrink tubes, I'll do a nice job on the guitar... haha.. perhaps a fresh set of strings.
Days have been lazy. Don't feel like doing anything and keep slowly scribbling on paper. Somebody help me. I Need Someone...... I realised, can't keep up the solitude
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Friday, December 23, 2005
x'cuse my french
JC is soon to start and I am dead. don't have the mood to finish the homework... i'm so pathetic... anyway..
Today was nice, hung out with shaobechuangharngciyip at Curry Flavour. Its some kind of jap curry restnt. Most enjoyable day, Xchanged gifts and all.. and get to be with friends. This event is much cherished by me as loomed the dreaded JC2 life I am prepared for.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année to everyone!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
sick and seek
thurs -> got up in the morn feeling funny... did not doubt and went out... came back 7pm+ had a bad fever...
fri-> rested at home whole day sick.. hot
sat-> well but warm, bad bad headache which does not go away. Sore throat drank a heineken
today morn, slight hangover but still ok.. went to church and rejuvenated.. killed time until 12:30... then went to taka Godiva and met Joel, ate a $3 choco (small piece!!) talked until 2 when he finished work then went délifrance bistro. Ordered some fish dish.. expensive sia... $16.. then went music essentials to see MUSIC!! Joel wanted to try some violins.. I leh tried some bows. I need to research on bows coz I needa get another one.. I asked for bows around 1K to test... quite nice.. then bought my exam piece.. rained so stayed there abit. Then headed for the durian. Got chocolatte at citilink Godiva made by Joel... haha.. not bad man the drink.. 8 bucks!! Then went lib at espl to cope stuff.. haha.. harvest not bad.
Somehow Im into opera stuff.. Borrowed a kriesler album played by stern.. Good! can hear more interpretations for liebesfreud.. and its orchestra version.. much nicer than piano violin.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
honour to my calculator
my calculator went to war
many of things did it saw
tough life it had been
for numbers it had seen
half of its nerves were broken
its skin sore and eyes swollen
now it lies in my abode retired
for its life had cruelly expired
meek it was and speaks no more
may its name be in the king's hall
- Song En
Yes, my calculator Spoilt, its screen can only display half and the other half gone. One of its screw is missing and the grip for the hard cover also wore off. Just thought I wrote a little poem about it :p So today I went to orchard popular and bras basah popular and cannot find a similar model, lastly i checked a bookstore at ground floor, and they have it... Large place for popular and dun carry it, such small bookstore and have what I want.. disappointing.
Went out to buy presents for christmas, although haven buy all finish, but got most down.. phew.. what a chore.
I eagerly await my DVDs to arrive from America... technology they say and it still take weeks to get a simple little DVD from America to SGP.. Can't wait for Eric Johnson, just love him. I totally admire his musicianship and tastes. Although, Fender Strats :p His overdrive is so smooth and cool, cleanly played its so nice.. and He ain't much of a showman, which irritates me. On stage he cares about sound and music before setting in showmanship. He uses so many different techniques in his songs and his songs are all nice and melodic, somewhat catchy and soothing. Plus his beautiful tones....... U need to hear to know. But I still Love Les Paul guitars!
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Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I 2Es broke
Today was quite fun.. did nth as usual in the morning. Then went for Violin Lesson. So when I tuned my E strings broke. I changed, also broke before it got tuned. haha. then my master also don't have any extras Es, so I played her think 15K Violin. Whao, from the moment I can feel and hear the difference with my 6K Violin... It was so playable, the sound was thick and sweet, and only using helicore. I think I know wad to get for my Micheal (my violin's name). Lower the A and E, get the pegs changed.. But I think I'll leave the sound post.... Or should I.
Thinking of getting a new bow.. better one.. for 900SGD i bought one which is kinda heavy but I don't really feel it.. Next time go back Paris then I check it out. hopefully a tourté (the "strad" of the bows). However I still Love Micheal as myself, I will never sell it or anything. Now I miss it... haha, just by playing other violins.
calculators damanged.. got to get a new one to start work soon.... buying lighter, mini maglite and lock tomorrow..
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Tuesday, December 06, 2005
im must stop
Laziness -> the thing that will kill me one day. Laziness had already caused me so many important stuff.. like past grades.. my music progress, things i could have accomplished and never complete. But well God had been graceful and brought me through up till now. I had been blaming people that they should do or its their loss, however i've been losing out because i am not doing anything progressive. Save Me
i have started 2 nice songs but never sat down long enough to complete it.. learned songs and never master it... oh come on.. JC2, no more playing around. Next year I will forcefully shut away all other things and concentrate on whats at my nose: JC! As much as I hate it, I have to, people have nagged enough about importance of JC blah blah which is logical. I spent months on a topic about Logic at Further Math course.. I accept logic as it is although sometimes its too chim. =p
I might have to stop playing paganini, its killing my fingertips. just now as I played skin literally peeled off and dropped to the floor. My fingertips are getting white and painful.... better stay kriesler. Can't wait for my Eric Johnson DVDs to arrive from America.. His tones and techniques, like hendrix's phrasing are never to be mastered. I also like Paul Gilbert's style and playing. Yngwie's craziness is adorable :)
christmas is near and im still looking for presents. I am difficult for myself, part perfectionist, I want to get a more than good gift for the correct person.. thats why its hard.... rock and Roll! and BLUES!
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Monday, December 05, 2005
aww... my first post
it is monday now, ever since JC time has been passing by with speed of positive increment... Next year will be better, hopefully Chinese is history, no more Further Math, no more Project Work (eeww)... my scheduels and time should be ever more free than 2005...
Plus, next year no more CCA (Photography has always been a slack CCA :p but I just chose to participate in everything), no more stupid and stressful Youth Flying Club (SYFC).. need to memorize so many aircraft checks and must remember it in such a stressful environment. imagine: U piloting a plane, must look out for other planes, look out for clouds, know where u are, do routine checks, at the same time listen to the radio and the stupid air tower who never speaks clearly.. look for weather.. stress man..
Ok.. I screwed 2005, done stuff that i shouldn't have done that i regret. guess liking someone is not such a delightful feeling. if nows not the time then when is? However I will still let my King over-rule this matter, He will arrange "it" in his time his will and his powers. I can't do anything... all I can and did is to let all my feelings into my music. It is like squeezing it out into a little song, which then its really out and I don't feel it anymore. I guess thats why the blues was popular.
I hate "pop" music. Those asian pop groups are scums of the earth. While I still like some but 99% of them insults music, driven only by money and the fame they get, they give shit about their music, they just want it to sound good and attract people... drug of the music world. It has no real meaning and it doesn't change anything, except the finacial part. I have been playing along with blues songs and written some too. songs like Red House from hendrix, San Francisco Bay Blues by clapton are kinda nice to fun to play with. I just play the song out loud, take my electric and just counter melody it :) and I don't like heavy metal. My choice for electric guitar is tube overdriven, smooth and nice.. or played clean.. However heavy distortion really helps after a heavy day at school (MD2!)
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